Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pinewood 09

Rig had his first Pinewood Derby last night.  As a first born, I suffered through 3 slow pinewood derby cars.  It wasn't until Beetle and Roman that the Ricker started having any success.  Luckily, for Rig's sake, the Ricker was able to pass some of his secrets on to me allowing Rig to have a pretty good showing his first time out.  

Rig was grinning ear to ear once he had a few wins under his belt.

I was the guardian of the cars which will not be my first choice next year.  You try keeping a bunch of 8,9 and 10 year olds from touching their own cars for an hour and a half of racing.  

Sara was on the awards committee.

Rig's sisters were proud of him.

The awards podium was supplied by RCHS wrestling.  Rig barely made the cut. 


Mindy said...

That looks like fun, good job Rigdon!

cheryl said...

Grandpa was almost as excited as
Rigdon. If that is possible. He was wanting to call at 7:30 California time to see how Rig had done. Good job Rig. It was fun to see you on the podium holding your car high in the air along with your trophy.

Darrell said...

Wow congratulations! Shea never did place--too many big time cheaters in his Pack apparently, because we cheated like crazy and still didn't make the cut. In fairness, the boys who won every year (for about a decade) were 3 brothers who raced the same the car--the Silver Bullet. Nothing could touch it. I'm pretty sure in currently housed in the Smithsonian as the most winniest car in Pinewood Derby history. Nice job. Rigdon's video is hilarious--pure elation.