Saturday, April 19, 2008

This morning because of a sewage spill in the ocean, Rhett and I opted to move the dawn adventure patrol from the OC (Rhett's home) to the IE (my home).  Instead of surfing we decided to try climbing.  We didn't know any places to climb but my friend the internet did, and we actually managed to find a couple.  We had an awesome time.  Rhett is as good at climbing as he is at everything else.   


Anonymous said...

This is one awesome website/blog! If I were to compare the work and creativity exhibited on this website to an artist - it's on par with Devinci's work.

Go Jazz and the Lakers suck

jenni bishop said...

Seriously Rangi...I'm really impressed by the fact that you have a blog AND by all of your cool pictures on your posts! I am a witness to the GIGANTIC heap of kitchen cabinets, tile countertops,and island debris that was in your backyard. The fact that you got all of that to fit into that dumpster is truly something to be proud of!